Daily productive challenge

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-30 11:05:51

Three dates separate two annual commemorations that exalt productive industry: Entrepreneurship Day, every April 28, and Labor Day, May 1. The second has more history, a more demanding meaning and greater conquests, in addition to coinciding with the Catholic festival of San José Obrero, in honor of the father of Jesus. However, it is valid to highlight the values ​​that both exalt in an environment marked by the constant desire to achieve greater personal and national competitiveness in order to have satisfiers for the development needs of families.

It is clear that it is the private company, small or large, that generates wealth in the form of products and services: from the most basic trades to the most avant-garde technological developments. Behind this great effort there are people who invest capital, time, talent and creativity within a framework of rights and obligations. The companies of each country contribute to economic growth through their salaries and taxes, as well as the development of individual capacities.

There have been many polarizing positions that focus on pointing out defects or complaints about business performance, but to date, throughout the world, it is companies of all industries that provide opportunities for well-being, development, and the pursuit of goals to people. .

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Entrepreneurship is a term that has gained particular popularity in the last two decades, but it refers to individual, family or small group efforts to offer alternative products and services at a community scale, with personalized characteristics or very specific differentiators. It is often seen as a response to the lack of jobs in traditional sectors, and indeed it is a strategy that often begins as self-employment, and then, if successful, becomes a job promoter.

Guatemala is one of the countries considered among the most entrepreneurial in the world. That can be seen as the glass half full or half empty. The first option is more assertive because it recognizes the ingenuity and industrious spirit of so many Guatemalans who set up a hailstorm sale, an online electronics store, or a food stand in a neighborhood. Many large companies started that way: in garages, with credit difficulties or inventory constraints.

Ultimately, what you want to exalt is the vocation of hard work of Guatemalans, which over the decades has fostered huge companies and also ingenious ventures. In fact, the phenomenon of migration to the United States is motivated by the search for better employment spaces and there are many compatriots who are in a distant land, with many adversities, sometimes without legal status and under pressure from the costs of the life in another latitude, they manage to start their businesses. In other words, labor rights claims are valid and necessary, but in the long term and globally, the need for innovation and productivity is still there. The efficiency, ingenuity, and dedication of Guatemalan workers are proverbial, which is why they need a State that provides legal certainty, guarantees quality infrastructure, and public safety for all.

Daily productive challenge

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