Indigenous nations in the US demand the blocking of


Global Courant 2023-05-20 21:12:51

Representatives of the indigenous American nation ‘Lummi Nation’ in the state of Washington say that they have cross-border rights to their lands, for which the Canadian state has neither consulted nor supplemented them.

Indigenous groups are trying to block a controversial multibillion-dollar port expansion project in Canada.

The effort to stop the construction of the container terminal at the port of Vancouver is the first use of a decision won in Canada’s highest court, according to which some aboriginal peoples living in the territory of the US have land rights and in the south to Canada.

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Therefore, yesterday the nation ‘Lummi Nation’ filed a complaint in the federal court of Canada against the expansion of the Roberts Bank terminal with the argument that Canada should “consult and include” the possible negative consequences for indigenous nations that the project may be.

The Canadian federal government decided last month to expand the container terminal that doubles the current size of the port, despite environmental complaints that it destroys the surrounding marine world.

The port is located in prime aquatic habitat for killer whales, chinook salmon and dozens of other endangered species.

According to Canadian law, authorities “have a duty to consult” with indigenous communities about the consequences of their projects. Port Fraser authorities in Vancouver said they have consulted with 46 indigenous groups and reached agreements with 26 of them.

But the Lummi nation in neighboring Washington state says it has not been consulted, according to Britain’s The Guardian.

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The Lummi Nation, or otherwise Lhaq’temish (sea people) claim to be the original inhabitants of the northern shores of Washington and the southern shores of the Canadian region of British Columbia.

The Lummi tribes have a documented history in the region and believe their claims are strong.

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The Lummi Nation, or otherwise Lhaq’temish (sea people) claim to be the original inhabitants of the northern shores of Washington and the southern shores of the Canadian region of British Columbia.

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Indigenous nations in the US demand the blocking of

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