Jorge Lanata’s shocking story about his hospitalization on his return to television

Robert Collins
Robert Collins

Global Courant

Jorge Lanata (63) returned this Sunday to his television show Periodismo para Todos after health problems kept him away from the screen for more than a month. And he did so with a shocking account of his weeks-long recovery. “I won’t say I was dead because I don’t know,” the driver said.

Usually devoted to Argentine political life, at the beginning of PPT Lanata himself was the protagonist. I had not completed the program since August 20th last year. He later suffered a urinary tract infection, for which he was admitted to the Favaloro Foundation twice, which caused great concern in politics and the media.

“I am 63 years old minus one month old. I missed a month. I was in the intensive care unit for a month, intubated twice. “I can’t remember anything from this month, or rather, I remember dreams,” the journalist summed up his experiences. Stays in the medical center.

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His editorial was at times moving. And in others even dramatic. “My body was here, my head wasn’t. It’s a month I’ll never get back. After this month I came back. I won’t say I was dead because I don’t know. I know it.” “I came back, and I don’t know where from,” he added in an emotional passage in his speech.

He explained that he had suffered septic shock. “An infection throughout the body,” as he defined the problem that kept him away from television and radio. Although he was released on Friday the 15th, he did not complete a PPT last Sunday. A day later he began to resume his usual activities, including listening to the radio, where he had an angry outburst for which he apologized.

“The first thing that came to my mind was an indignation: Earn as much as you can, I said. I’m sorry. I meant: live as much as you can. Live as much as you can,” noted Lanata this Sunday Periodismo para Todos, notoriously thoughtful.

He then took the opportunity to leave advice like someone who has just returned from death.

“We live like immortals and attach little importance to the most important things. We live as if love always existed, as if time were infinite. I’m going to say it obviously, but that month I lost made me think about the eventuality. We are a branch that breaks. I couldn’t have gone back. I don’t know why I came back. “Today there could be a movie or a tribute show here and that’s it,” the journalist continued.

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And he concluded: “It is true that the world turns without us. But then? , what you have done. “They couldn’t because of what they left behind. We think so, but we don’t have time. Life can steal a month or more from you at any moment.”

What happened to Jorge Lanata?

After the editorial, the television and radio host gave his monologue in which he reviewed the national news while also joking about his health problems.

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Jorge Lanata returned to television and devoted his editorial in Periodismo Para Todos to the hard details of his hospital stay.

“During the election campaign I was away from everything for several weeks without working and today I am in the news because one day I appeared in the media again… I feel like Cristina,” Lanata said.

During his hospital stay, Eltrece replaced his programming with cinema. The journalist also used this to joke further. “Many thanks to the people of Channel 13 who were very happy with my return because they had already run out of films for the PPT program,” the radio and television host played.

Wonder Woman 1984, Bad Boys Forever, Implacable Justice and Night of Vengeance were the titles they chose to fill the temporary void left by Sunday’s journalistic tank.

Lanata’s previous appearance on the small screen was on August 20th. That day he had shown physical discomfort that even made it doubtful whether he would go on air. However, he ran the program normally.

On Tuesday the problems returned and he was hospitalized for treatment of a bacteremic urinary tract infection. Although his colleagues at Radio Miter wished him a speedy recovery and predicted a speedy return to work, this time his condition worried his loved ones.

“It was a little scary this time,” said his wife, Elba Marcovecchio.

Elba Marcovecchio spoke about Jorge Lanata’s health. Photo: Capture TV.

He was released on September 11 and returned home. But less than 24 hours later he had to be hospitalized again. He was admitted with fever and referred to the intensive care unit.

He was finally released on Monday the 11th and gradually resumed his normal work.

Jorge Lanata’s shocking story about his hospitalization on his return to television

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