Mahzaib Khan

Pakistan is currently going through a tough phase with political uncertainty and economic instability being the root causes. The security situation is adding insult to injury. History proves that whenever Pakistan is in a difficult phase its enemies gather to further instigate violence and chaos. The internationally sponsored Khwarijs of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) found the weakening economic state and political imbalance as an opportunity to unleash their atrocities. But the irony is that they do such devilish things under garb of Islamic Ideology. Recent rise in violence, manifested through attacks perpetrated by a revitalized TTP requires a hard response from the state at all levels to reestablish our hard won peace. Today is the time, to realize that was our decision for reconciliation with TTP and our trust on Afghan government timely and appropriate? International community, in opposition to Taliban’s extremist policies had withdrawn its support which forced the country to plunge into deeper crisis. But Pakistan, in an attempt to maintain ‘peaceful neighborhood”, remained on frontline to assist Kabul overcome its struggles. However, despite all the cooperation, Taliban government displayed unwarranted belligerence against Pakistan by providing safe havens to Khwarijs (TTP and other terrorist groups) and their sub-national groups such as PTM. This unappreciative and ungracious attitude by interim Afghan government has helped raise a crucial question: Should Pakistan also turn its eyes away from Afghanistan like the rest of the world, if its hospitality and assistance to Afghanistan is not being repaid?
The assistance and good will gestures of Islamabad are not being reciprocated since Afghanistan is providing bases to TTP to perpetrate violence against Pakistan. According to the UN Security Council Monitoring team, “TTP has arguably benefited the most of all the foreign extremist groups in Afghanistan from the Taliban takeover. It has conducted numerous attacks and operations in Pakistan”. Afghanistan government need to refrain from displaying unappreciative and ungracious behaviour towards Pakistan. Kabul must take concrete steps to root out TTP and its affiliates from its land. Afghans will have to rethink its belligerent attitude towards Pakistan or else Islamabad will be forced to redraw its support, close its borders and leave Afghanistan to its fate like the rest of the world.
TTP should be responded with “Whole of Nation Approach” which should involve countering TTP in Political, Diplomatic and Military domains. There is a need to revive political consensus to derive popular support in fight against TTP. Nation must be well aware about TTPs misperception about the “True Islam”. A few weeks ago, when TTP’s head Noor Wali Mehsud asked the Islamic Scholars of Pakistan who he regards as his teachers for guidance, they issued a detailed edict declaring TTP’s activities as completely against Islamic teachings. Islam is a religion of peace in the fullest sense of the world. The Qura’an calls its way the path of peace (5:16). It says that “Allah abhors any disturbance of peace”. The terrorist organizations such as the TTP brain wash Muslim youth and drag them towards a dead end where they are unable to get any benefit from this world and the one hereafter. Every Muslim has a responsibility to seek the true guidance of the Almighty and his Messenger (PBUH) and must not indulge in the evil and misleading agendas of terrorist outfits. Islam is nothing but a religion of peace and prosperity for everyone, so any manipulated teachings that push someone towards radicalism can be a way of devil but is poles apart to the teachings of Islam. Diplomatic, Ideological and Militarily, all three forms must be inclusively formulated as per state’s policy to counter TTPs and its actions.

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