That was how Maribel Guardia found out about the death of her

Michael Taylor

Global Courant 2023-04-11 20:52:00

Mexico City, Mexico.

Last Sunday, April 9, the entertainment world dressed in mourning after the sensitive death of Julian Figueroa at 27 years of age, son of the first actress, Maribel Guardia and the idol of the Mexican regional, Joan Sebastian.

In this situation, Daniel Bisognopartner of Maribel Guardia in a famous play, revealed important details about what happened that afternoon and the way in which the leading actress was informed of the surprise death of her only son.

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It was during the broadcast last Monday, April 10, when Daniel Bisogno of the program “Windowing” took a few minutes to talk about the previous moments that Maribel Guardia lived before receiving the call from Marco Chaconher husband, who informed her of the death of Julian Figueroa.

“Maribel was very affectionate. She invited me to her dressing room. We were talking for a long time. The subject of the death of Andrés García was touched on. She began to recapitulate things about death, she assumes that you change planes, that you arrive at a better place and that you meet again with people you loved, ”she said.

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On the other hand, Daniel Bisogno said that at the time of departure they planned to have dinner together since they live in the same area, but in the end nothing materialized. He detailed that Maribel Guardia He did go to eat something and it was at that moment that he received the call from Marco Chaconher husband.

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“When it’s time to leave, we’re neighbors and sometimes we hitch a ride. Maribel said that she was very hungry and that she was going to have dinner. She went to dinner and that’s when Marcos broke the news to her,” she said.

That was how Maribel Guardia found out about the death of her

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