Unveiling India’s Strategic Media Warfare: The Nexus of Propaganda and Information Manipulation

Sarah Saeed
Sarah Saeed

The chronicles of history provide evidence to the age-old practice of gathering knowledge for strategic benefit, which civilizations such as the Romans, ancient Chinese, Carthaginians, and Alexander the Great practiced. This endeavor has grown into a complex information realm that includes media, information warfare, and psychological operations as conduits for data gathering, manipulation, and distribution in our modern day. Following the Hobbesian philosophy, which holds that war is inherent in human nature, fulfilling both internal and exterior functions, our understanding of conflict has evolved over time. From the primitive sounds of drums used to broadcast information during previous wars to today’s dependence on the internet and social media, the medium has changed, but the essential character of war, now centered on disrupting cognitive skills, has stayed consistent.

In the tumultuous South Asian context, the relationship dynamics between India and Pakistan are critical to regional stability. A notable shift in the character of conflict has occurred, with an emphasis on perception and psychological operations. India, particularly under Modi’s leadership, has actively embraced the digital domain, using propaganda and propagating fake news as strong weapons. States conduct psychological, media, and information warfare in the multidimensional realm of information warfare. The idea of fifth-generation warfare has evolved, in which non-state actors operate with no defined aims and are motivated by dissatisfaction. India’s military policy has evolved significantly, combining classic and non-traditional techniques, with a deliberate emphasis on influencing public mood beyond borders.

The current function of media as a narrative shaper is critical in modern warfare, acting as a powerful instrument for swaying enemies’ perceptions. The Indian government has made a significant investment in anti-Pakistan media campaigns in a variety of channels, including newspapers, television, films, plays, and literature. The overall narrative created presents Pakistan as a terrorist state in order to influence global opinions. India’s inventive use of platforms, such as RAW-sponsored applications like Balochi Radio and “ZEE SALAM,” tries to incite hostility toward Pakistan. Recent EU Disinfo Lab disclosures highlight instances of deception, with ANI using non-existent sources to push anti-Pakistan and anti-China sentiments. India’s strategic investments in journalists and global news organizations demonstrate the country’s commitment to furthering its agenda. Furthermore, sources say that the Indian RAW has set up a vast network of over 350 phony social media profiles with Balochi identities to propagate anti-Pakistan propaganda.

The primary goal of India includes the worldwide isolation of Pakistan through the spread of misleading news and agendas. This coordinated operation aims to portray Pakistan as a terrorist state, so jeopardizing its diplomatic connections and international accords. Prime Minister Narendra Modi proudly hails India’s achievement in isolating Pakistan, highlighting the global community’s vast support for India’s strategic initiatives.

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In response to these threats, Pakistan must strengthen its digital defenses while simultaneously engaging in strategic counter-narratives to dispel misleading claims. It will be vital to establish a comprehensive mechanism to monitor and refute misinformation, as well as diplomatic measures to express the truth on the world stage. Pakistan may limit the impact of India’s information warfare by increasing public awareness and worldwide comprehension of these misleading methods, encouraging a more realistic impression on the global arena.

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