The benefits of insurance for individuals and organizations

Wang Yan

Global Courant

Insurance is basically an arrangement that commits a company or a state to provide the guarantee of a specified amount of compensation to the person or entity for a specified loss, damage, illness or death in exchange for a specified amount of premium paid by the person monthly.

There are roughly four types of insurance:

• Life Insurance: This is a type of insurance taken out to provide financial security for the entire family in the event of the policyholder’s death.

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• Health Insurance: It is basically a type of insurance that provides monetary support for serious health problems for the policy holder or his family.

• Property insurance: this type of insurance covers the policyholder in case of damage to his property by fire or in any other way.

• Car insurance: Your car is too precious to you, so if it gets stolen or damaged, you’ll need a huge amount. This car insurance policy pays the repair costs of the policyholder.

But before purchasing any insurance, you should know all the benefits of that insurance. Insurance benefits the individual or any organization in many ways.

Some of them are discussed below.

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• The main advantage of security is the payment of the losses one faces. An insurance policy is a contract used to minimize the individual’s losses.

• It manages cash flow uncertainty. Insurance takes care of the payment of the covered losses. This solves the problem of paying out of pocket.

• Insurance complies with regulatory assessments. Insurance meets the contractual requirements and also provides the legal evidence for the organization or individual to claim the refund or losses.

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• A very important advantage of the insurance policies are the measures to promote risk management activities. Insurance offers all sorts of incentives to put in place a claims control program.

• An unusual benefit of collateral is the support it provides for the policyholder’s credit. Insurance provides loans to individuals and organizations by guaranteeing that the lender will receive full compensation if the loan amount or property is destroyed.

• Insurance provides all kinds of resources to the investment funds. All insurance collects a specific premium from the policyholder and invests it in various schemes and pays the claims as they arise.

• Insurance also helps to reduce the social costs of the victims by providing them with compensation.

The benefits of insurance for individuals and organizations

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